^ 'Natron 1.0 brings free VFX compositing to Linux, Windows, Mac users | Libre Graphics World'.^ 'Natron v0.92 beta is out! – Natron'.
^ 'Image Album: Lake Natron Gives Up Its Dead | Rick Brandt'.PyPlug system (equivalent to Nuke Gizmos).WebGL 1.0 script language (Shadertoy) for hardware accelerated 2D/3D visual effects development.SeExpr script language (Walt Disney Animation Studios).Node presets can be imported/exported easily via XML.A project format written in XML and easily human editable.Support for batch-mode rendering through a command-line tool, allowing the final render to be processed on a render farm.
Support for stereoscopic 3D and multi-view processing. Animation curves editing : Curve Editor. Key frame-based parameter animation, using Bernstein polynomials (the polynomial basis behind Bézier curves) for interpolation. A wide range of additional effects (color transforms, geometric transforms, image generators.) are available. Manual rotoscoping, using Bézier curves. Paint : Solid, Pencil, Eraser, Clone, Reveal, Blur, Smear, Dodge, Burn. Keying : Keyer, Chroma Keyer, Difference Keyer, Hue Keyer, PIK Keyer. Image transform (position, rotation, scale, skew). Support for low-resolution rendering for previewing the output of computing-intensive visual effects. Full support of the OpenFX 1.4 API, enabling use of open source or commercialplug-ins. Support for reading and writing video files through the FFmpeg library, including digital intermediate formats such as DNxHD and Apple ProRes. Additional image layers can be used to store several color layers, or for non-color information such as depth, optical flow, binocular disparity, or masks. Support for many image formats, using OpenImageIO, including multi-layer OpenEXR. Color management is handled by the OpenColorIO library, including support for the ACES color encoding system proposed by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Support for multi-core architectures: all processing is multithreaded using a thread pool pattern. 32 bits floating point linear color processing pipeline : all frames are represented as floating-point RGBA samples with premultiplied alpha, permitting the use of alpha compositing operators defined by Thomas Porter and Tom Duff. A graphic card that supports OpenGL 2.0 or OpenGL 1.5 with a few commonly available extensions (ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, ARB_shader_objects, ARB_vertex_buffer_object, ARB_pixel_buffer_object). Low hardware requirements: a 64 bits processor, at least 6GB of RAM (8GB recommended).
Data produced by Natron, or any software distributed under the GPL, is not covered by the GPL: the copyright on the output of a program belongs to the user of that program.